Wednesday, April 18, 2007

The Collective Sleep

Today was my first day at my next school Togashiranish Sho Gakko. I have 3 schools and I rotate between them.

I went to the sneakers and suits convention today! At 1:00 all the teachers in Toride City came together for a meeting. There were about 250–300 teachers all together. A few ALTs (which is what I do) came as well. We all met at one of the local Junior High schools and sat in the FREEZING cold (I don't think Japanese schools are heated!!!) gym for speeches. This is what I observed: It is perfectly acceptable to sleep during assembles and meetings. About 3 minutes into the assembly during the first speaker's speech, about half the auditorium began to nod off. It was hilarious to watch every one's heads bobbing forward as they fell asleep! One guy even started snoring!! HAHAHAH. Apparently this happens in meetings and assemblies like this ALL THE TIME!! As soon as someone starts talking the Japanese start to get sleepy, even if they are not actually tired. I think this comes from when they were in school. They often let kids sleep in class here and so I think this behavior is ingrained in them since childhood. At one point I am sure 80% of the audience was sleeping!

The teachers really pulled out all the stops for today's sneakers and suits convention. One of my principals was wearing this lace turtle neck with a hot pink track suit Jacket, and pencil skirt, white stockings and Nikes!!! It was pretty awesome.


Anonymous said...

can I get an outfit like that?!?! You know the kind of looks I would get strolling into work with a hot pink jacket and some Nikes? That would be awesome, I think I'll try it tomorrow.

Anonymous said...

HAHAHAHAHA.. I wish that was ok to do here in the states. that whould be awsome... I"m so glad you are keeping up with your blog. it's the best!

Anonymous said...

Whatta HOOT!