Thursday, January 24, 2008

The G-String Murders

So as you all know I love collecting classic films on DVD. I recently watched a pretty funny one. it was called, The Lady of Burlesque. Though it was based on a book "the g-string murders"!!! HAHAHAH (which is rumored to a fictional tale who's main character is modeled after Gypsy Rose Lee, famous strip tease artist of the time)
Released in 1943, it stars Barbara Stanwyck. its about a burlesque troop who are plagued by a series of murders within their theater were the female victims are strangles by their own g-strings.
Man what a great plot. I had not thought g-strings had been around that long!! But when you see there see through costume's you realise they MUST have been wearing them.

The film was OK. Barbara Stanwyck, I thought was cute in it and she did a really cute song and dance number. It had some great lines and was very funny, but there was nothing amazing about it. What is amazing though is just the overall idea of the film AND its theme song. "Take it of the e-string, play it on the g-string" HILARIOUS!

Rent it if you can. Its funny.

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