Friday, June 8, 2007


The Japanese love "purinkuro" or "print club". The "purinkuro" here are amazing! You can draw all over them and put clip art on them and you can make them for only a $. The girls here have these tiny photo albums FULL of "purinkuro" pictures.

Forgot to tell you about the Japanese obsession with "rock, scissors, paper" or "Janken Po" as it is known here.

"Janken po aiko deshou" is what the kids chant. They are really obsessed. If it's a tie during one of my games in class or if the kids are arguing about who gets to drink my milk at lunch (I always put it back, which I am not supposed to do) I simply say "janken" and they go to it. Hey make this huge display of it, as if they are battling for their life. It's hilarious. And they never argue over the issue after "janken" has settled it, it's done, over. I probably preside over 10 "janken" matches a day.

It all reminds me of a video game I played as a kid, what was it?? At the end of each stage you had to have a rock, scissors, paper, match with an evil gigantic hand person. Darcy do you remember which game it was? Was it Alex Kid?? Well it all makes sense now, clearly it was a Japanese game originally and of course they had to have "janken" it.


Anonymous said...

Do you remember when "gun" got involved? Rock, paper, scissors, gun. But I don't remember it winning often...poor inner city kids.

So if you and I have a Janken challenge and I win you have to come home ok?

Anonymous said...

OMG those pics are awesome i want some like that here! u guys look like gorgeous in em! the coloring is good, so fun!

Anonymous said...

alex kid!!!! hahahaha yes. i miss that kid.