Today was the graduation ceremony for the 6th graders. It was quite a boring ceremony, but I was still so sad to say goodbye to some of my students.
My teachers dressed me in kimono & hakama (special skirt worn w/ kimono on graduation). The kimono belt (obi) is tied SOOOOOOO tight, you can barely breath or walk or eat or do anything. And it makes you sit up really straight. There are 2 robes you wear, one underneath the actual kimono and then the kimono. They fasten it all together with these elastic belts that clip all the robes in place. Its quite a difficult process and it took a while to dress me but I had an expert! One of my teachers does tea ceremonies and so she wears kimonos all the time. She strapped me all together. I joked with the other teachers that I felt that at any moment all those elastic belts would come unclasped and POING POING POING!! My kimono would be on the floor at my feet and I would be running out of there butt naked!! HAHAHA!! But it looked awesome and I felt all pretty pretty princess! Then when they undressed me and undid the obi, I felt like i had just given birth or something! It was such a relief to take it off!! I got some full body shots on my camera, but I thought I would just post this one on my phone for now. I got to wear the little socks and sandals and everything! It was fun.
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