While playing "Duck Duck Goose" (which I modified slightly "goodnight, goodnight, good morning!) today with my first graders a little boy did not make it into the spot in time. He did a proper home run slide and held there for a minute. The other kids laughed and while reclining he pretended to smoke a cigarette. I am all about a first graders sense of humor! I love this kid.
Also today on my schedule, a fire drill was listed during 3rd period. When I asked the other teachers about it they said "No fire drill" They spoke amongst themselves trying to figure out how to say it in English. "Earthquake drill?" I guessed. "No" and then the Secretary pretended to shoot me. They all laughed and then one of them drew a picture of a man holding a knife. I was confused so she looked it up in the dictionary. "Take shelter training." she said. Take shelter from a crazy man who runs into the school with a knife, training??" I asked. She nodded.So this afternoon the students where prepared for this possible occurrence. I was told to wait in the teachers lounge while the kids rushed about quietly with there teachers. WEIRD!! What where they doing?? I hope they dont tell me to wait in the teachers lounge if that really happens. And why on earth are they rehearsing something like that?? I know things like that happen in the stats, but in Japan???
Lately I have noticed the Japanese using English words like "Safe!" They yell this randomly when they have just avoided something bad. Or "Lucky" again used when you have avoided something bad. And then there is adding "desu" to everything. Desu is a verb, it means to be.
"OK desu." "How are you desu?" "Hello desu."
See you tomorrow desu,
baseball slides? Rock paper scissors? men with knives bursting into schools? where the hell are you?
Just come home and make it easier on all of us, desu?
ok, so I just got the biggest laugh of the day Lauren...
"President of the "marj come home" fan club"!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Well it is kinda neat to see the diffrence between the us and the japanese kids.
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