So much has been going on these past few days. Today I had a meeting with the board of education in 取手. Two other teachers and I introduced ourselves to the board. Then my Japanese helper and I rode around and went to all my schools. We went in and I introduced myself to the teachers and principal and had a chance to ask questions and everything. It was really fun and I started getting really excited about work. There was a great difference in how the schools received me... The first school we visited and the one I will be working at the most, initially did not seem very interested in me at all and they kept talking about the last ALT. That kinda sucked. I have my work cut out for me there. I brought some candy from home, I only have enough for one school and I think that is the school that is going to get it, cause they seemed pretty unimpressed with me. But the other two schools were very welcoming and nice.
After touring all the schools my Japanese helper got in touch with the previous teachers at two of my schools. So I will be meeting with them this weekend. Hopefully they will give me some tips on the schools (both of these teachers are still with the company and both still living in 取手).
Something that frustrates me, it's really petty, but whatever. OK so the teachers are all dressed in really casual clothes like sweat suits and track suits. They are dressed much more casually than Elementary school teachers at home would be even. I have still got to wear a suit because my company makes us. But the problem for me is that, you know in Japan you take your shoes off when you come inside; well all the teachers buy indoor shoes which for some reason MUST BE SNEAKERS!!?? So they want me to be in a suit and white sneakers!!!!?????? WHAT??? I don't know if I can do that!! It just hurts my fashion sense too much. It's not like I am this really fashionable person or anything but WHYYYYY??? WHY must I wear white sneakers with a black suit?? It is just so tacky!!! My Japanese helper and I were out shopping this evening and she was pointing to all the shoes that would be appropriate for indoor shoes. I was asking, how about these nice black flat slip-ons, or these casual loafers?? NO, NO these and these (hideous white sneakers, hideous sneakers)
This all goes back to an overall idea in Japanese schools, which is really different from schools back home. Here in Japan the teachers do not do things that the kids cannot do. For example, they don't want you to ware designer brands, they don't want the kids to see you eating candy, chewing gum or drink soda or juice. They don't want you to eat your own lunch when the kids must eat the school lunch. It's so different from at home were we have this attitude that "I am an adult you're a kid, I get to do it and you don't cause I am older and I paid my dues" It's not like that at all here! We are really discouraged from doing things that the kids are not allowed to. Like for instance I will be buying into the school lunch program, only cause its really cheap and so I will have a chance to hang out with the kids, otherwise they will not let you sit with the kids if you bring your own lunch, anyway they serve milk with the lunch and I had to ask special permission to have water with my lunch. They can be so strict about those sorts of things. The school said it was OK, but to please not drink anything else but 'tap water' I cannot even have bottled water. I will also be expected to finish my meal cause the kids must. Over all you don't get any special treatment. The whole idea is pretty interesting!
So in other news, I received my first bill today. It was a water bill. I found this process quite interesting too. The water company comes out to the building and goes around and checks the meters on all the apartments and then prints out a slip (that is your bill) and puts it in your mail box. Then you go to the convenience store and pay the bill. It's so different!!!!
I am doing all my banking through the post office, which is very different from home. Can you even bank with the post office at home? But I like it OK. You get what looks like a check book in the mail after you have signed up for a postal account. When you go to the ATM you insert you checkbook (it's not a check book but looks like one, there are no personal checks in Japan) into the machine. Then you type in your code. And make your transaction. Then the ATM digitally writes your transaction onto the bankbook and gives you your cash or whatever. It makes so much sense cause then you have a record of all the transactions on your account with you at all times. And every time you use the machine it will update your lil book so it records any transactions made on your account like deposits or withdrawals or whatever.
Another thing that fascinates me: in the bathroom when you flush the toilet the water that is used to rinse the toilet first comes out of the top of the toilet out of a faucet and into a hand basin so you can wash your hands with this water. It is really smart design and so eco friendly.
I have become more accustomed to the trash system, but I keep missing my trash pickup times so the trash is gathering in my kitchen!!! It will get better soon though.
Ummm..Let's see…..what else……OH there is a public bath down the street from me!!! I am dying to try it out! Maybe I will do that tomorrow night! It is only $5 and it is open till 1am. My Japanese helper said its great to go to the bath and then hit the bar afterwards. She said there is a nice bar inside. Having a beer after a hot bath sounds AWESOME!! I will write you guys about my experience with that!! HAHAHA
Tomorrow I am going into Tokyo to do some last minute sightseeing before I have got to start work. I have made a new friend who lives in my town and we are going exploring together. I think we are going to go to the Sony showroom to play with all the latest gadgets. It should be fun.
OK well I will write you all later,
Sony showroom? I'm so jealous. I really want to go to that.
Supposedly school starts on Monday but I haven't heard anything about my schedule or meeting the board of education or anything!
hey stinker. sounds like you are having the best time ever. Hope you got the email I sent you and I STILL want to see pictures of your flat ok?
Poop head,
you'd better not wear those ugly white sneakers with your cute little Ms. Byrd outfits!!!! no no no. not at all! by the way, i just realized that you have another friend named Lauren so from now on I'll be "Lauren of the ATL"...got to represent. hehe
Believe it or not, most of the women and some of the men at my junior high school have actual formal shoes for their indoor shoes. None of this awful white sneaker shit. I only saw one person with the evil white sneakers.
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